Around the Geraldton area the Australian Railroad
Group (ARG) haul more than grain trains. On this page we feature a few other trains that run: Mineral Sands from Eneabba,
Iron Ore from Mullewa & coal from Collie. Until earlier in 2004 Talc was also hauled from Three Springs, at this time
we are not certain what is happening with the Talc exports via Geraldton Port.

1907/A1514 are seen on the mineral sands train at
Narngulu on 25 March 2004. This train is normally hauled by a single P class loco, it was good to see something different.

DA1573/P2017 haul an empty iron ore train past the former Geraldton
Railway Station on 26 April 2004. The station platform and buildings can be seen in the left of the photo.